Can Hamsters Eat Rice? This article contains a video on the observation of hamsters eat rice. Cooked or uncooked Rice are safe foods for your hamsters. Hamsters can eat rice, and they also enjoy it.
This funny hamster always curious with everything offered, including rice. For hamsters, rice are safe compared to breads nor similar bakery products that may contain many ingredients (such as yeast) that can trouble the hamsters digestion system.1
The cute hamster eating rice in this observation video looks really enjoy. This cute hamster also eat a little of Polyscias scutellaria2 leave. After eating cooked rice and drinking water, the funny hamster go back to the hiding place.
BEWARE! Red Kidney Beans that seen in this observation videos are unsafe food for hamsters! For details, read it here: Hamster Videos: Can Hamsters Eat Kidney Beans?
Hamsters are omnivores. Hamsters diet consisting of variety of food sources that may include healthy fruit, vegetable and plants. They try all sorts of food, or even non food thingy because they are always curious. Rice either cooker or uncooked are listed as on of good foods for your cute hamsters. Nah, don't worry when your funny hamsters eating rice.
[1] Wikibooks contributors, Animal Care/Hamster, Wikibooks.
[2] Wikipedia contributors. Polyscias scutellaria. Wikipedia.
About this post
- Hamster Videos: Hamster Eat Rice (Cooked) was first published on the Hamster Allergies
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