February 24, 2015

Hamster Videos: Hamster Eat Rice (Cooked)

Can Hamsters Eat Rice? This article contains a video on the observation of hamsters eat rice. Cooked or uncooked Rice are safe foods for your hamsters. Hamsters can eat rice, and they also enjoy it.

hamsters eat rice cute hamster eating rice, cooked

Hamster Videos: Can Hamsters Eat Kidney Beans?

Can Hamsters Eat Kidney Beans (Red Beans)? This post contains observation video of hamster eating kidney beans. It is recommended not to take a risk of your hamsters health. Please AVOID this kind of unsafe foods to your hamsters.

can hamsters eat kidney beans
hamster eating kidney beans (red beans)
February 23, 2015

Hamster Videos: Hamster Eating Tiny Food (Rice)

This post contains observation videos when a hamster eating tiny food (rice). Hamster love grains, and seeds. Rice is one type of seed that favored by hamsters.

hamster can eat rice
hamster can eat rice

Hamster Videos: Hamster Drinking Water

This post contains observation video of a cute hamster drinking water. Just like us, hamster also need water.

hamster is drinking lots of water
hamster is drinking lots of water
February 22, 2015

Hamster Facts: Lazy yet Funny

Hamster is lazy but hamster is funny. So far, based on the observations, shows the average hamster spend time to sleep more than 15 hours a day.

hamster come out from the hideout
hamster come out from the hideout

Hamster Facts: Drinking Fresh Water

Fresh water and foods should always be available for your hamster. Because healthy hamster will eat and drinks regularly.

hamster is drinking water from bottle lid
hamster is drinking water from bottle lid
February 21, 2015

Hamster Facts: Eating Healthy Foods

Hamsters diet consisting of variety of food sources that may include healthy fruit, vegetable and plants. Of course, hamsters are omnivores. But they does not like you who eat almost everything. Perhaps to stay healthy, we should follow the diet of hamsters. Would you?

hamster facts
hamster playing after eating
February 20, 2015

Hamster Facts: Poor Eyesight Sensitive To Noise

Hamster have mixed senses. Hamster is nearsighted and colorblind.1,2 Hamster have poor eyesight, so maybe you need buy him a glasses :)

hamster eyes, hamster nose, hamster ears
front view of hamster: eyes, nose and ears

Hamster Facts: Scientific Classification

We already know that cutely hamsters are rodent. But did you ever know that based on the scientific classification in biology there are 7 genera (genus) and 25 species of hamsters has been identified?

hamster facts
hamster playing after eating

Hamster Facts: Crepuscular and Nocturnal Animals

Hamsters are crepuscular animals that are active primary during twilight1. Hamsters also nocturnal animals because they are active during the night2.

hamster come out from the hideout
hamster come out from the hideout